Nickname: H
DOB: is not good with acronyms 27/07/83

Position: H
Yrs with UFO: 3

Field of study: FLS and ESP
3rd at uOttawa

How did you get into ultimate? It was August 2005, I was home in Penticton, BC contemplating taking up gymnastics classes again and missing Britain and counting down the days to Ottawa; my little brother invited me to a pick up game one Tuesday night and I went.
Where is the closest Frisbee to you right now? Above my head on the wall I'm leaning against.

Favourite Food:
Favourite TV Show: Bailando por la boda de mis sueƱos / So you think you can dance
Favourite colour: Green
How many hoodies do you own? 4
What are you addicted to? Tea
What did you want to be when you were growing up? Ballerina – till I was 7 and started reading novels and doing gymnastics then I just wanted to do gymnastics and be Nancy Drew.
Favourite superhero? Batman *WHAM*
Do you have any crazy talents? nooo… I do speak airtanker lingo nearly fluently.
If you had a million dollars, you’d… “still eat Kraft dinner”
Do you have any piercings/tattoos?
just ears pierced
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
teleporting would be cool.
If you could meet anyone who would it be?
I’d like to go for tea with Douglas Adams
One thing people don’t know about me is…
I don’t like chewing gum
Favourite quotes:
"Maybe scum is good."

Sleep in or get up early?
What are we doing today?
Coke of Pepsi? Coke Zero or Diet Pepsi can’t decide between the two. Prefered Diet Pepsi to Diet Coke as a kid.
Left or Right? left for writing, right for throwing.
Sunny or rainy? Sunny
Pub or club? Pub (followed by club followed by breakfast at a greasy spoon).

N’Sync or BSB? meh.
Take the picture or be in the picture? Take the picture.
Sunrise or sunset? doesn’t matter as long as I’ve got a cup of tea to watch it with.
Vodka or Tequila? tequila
Vanilla or Chocolate? chocolat – mmmm nutella
Cats or dogs? I like plants

… been arrested?
nope – have been told to “sit over there now” by British customs though.
… been suspended from school? nope
… been pushed into the pool w/ all your clothes on? yup more than once. and I had to jump in the ocean fully clothed including jeans and shoes and do 10 laps once to get my Blue swimming badge at diabetic camp so I could take the sail boat course.
… broken a bone? nope
… shaven your head? nope

… gone skinny dipping? yup

I don’t understand…
how a book can have a gender.
I lost my… birth certificate once, in Penticton and found it in London, England inside the inside pocket of the outer lining of my ski jacket.
People would say that I… blush easily.
I feel like… lunch… I don’t look like lunch.
I never want… to say goodbye forever.
Life is full of… turfulars.

I get annoyed when…
I find turfulars in my dictionaries.
I wish…
I had an extra 2 hours to sleep every night of the week.
If I could be anywhere I’d be…
somewhere warm where surfing is possible.

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